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Aberdeen 3 - 2 Partick Thistle

HT Score: Aberdeen 2 - 1 Partick Thistle

Div 1 (Old)
Aberdeen scorers: Muir, Lennie, Blackburn.
Partick Thistle scorers: F. Robertson 3, T. Robertson 89

10/10/1908 | KO:

At Pittodrie before 6000 spectators. Play opened briskly, Lyle scoring within three minutes of the start. Muir equalised, and Lennie put Aberdeen on the lead. At half-time the home team were leading by two to one. On resuming, Blackburn put the issue beyond doubt with a great effort. Aberdeen played too much to the gallery after this, and lost many easy chances. Just on time Ballantyne scored for Thistle. Result :- Aberdeen, three goals; Partick Thistle, two.

Source: The Scotsman, 12th October 1908

Partick Thistle were the visitors to Pittodrie on Saturday afternoon, when they met Aberdeen in a First Division match of the Scottish League. There were two changes in Aberdeen's team which defeated Falkirk on the previous Saturday, Wilson taking Davidson's place at right half, and Macfarlane, one of the reserves, occupying the left back position in place of Hume, who was injured at Falkirk. The weather conditions were favorable and there would have been between 5000 and 6000 spectators present when the teams lined up as follows:-

Aberdeen: Mutch; Colman, Macfarlane; Wilson, McIntosh, Low; Blackburn, Muir, Mcnair, O'Hagan, Lennie.
Partick Thistle: Massie; McKenzie, Gray; Gibson, Lyle, Low; Ballantyne, Callender, McGregor, F. Robertson, T. Robertson.
Referee - Mr. GH Hamilton, Motherwell.

Aberdeen lost the toss, and kicked off against a stiff breeze and bright sunshine. Thistle made progress on the right. The attack was repelled by Colman, and Aberdeen left wing sped towards Massie, Low eventually sending past. Quiet play followed, the visitors having equally as much of the game as the locals. A foul against McIntosh for bringing down McGregor looked none too bright for Aberdeen. The attack on the home quarters did not last long, and O'Hagan and Lennie, ably supported by Low, treated the spectators to an excellent piece of play. The outside man finished a dazzling run by shooting high over the bar. Back came Aberdeen, and Wilson gave Blackburn an opportunity, but the outside right hesitated too long, and the ball was sent well ahead. Wilson was in great form, and the way he held T. Robertson was a treat. A breakaway by Partick resulted in F. Robertson scoring. Robertson sent the ball towards Mutch from about 15 yards out. The ball struck the goalkeeper's chest and rebounded into play, going but to Robertson, who made no mistake with his second shot. Mutch was clearly to blame for his side being one down. He made an effort to catch the sphere, but failed. The visitors played more spiritedly after this success, and a minute later Mutch saved a difficult shot from the right. The local halves now's seemed to have found their bearings and for a time they kept the visiting forwards well in hand. Partick were granted several free kicks, but they proved fruitless. After Massie had saved a stiff shot from Lennie the two Robertsons had a run towards Mutch, and after some exciting play in front of goal, McGregor was given off sides. A clever piece of play by O'Hagan and Lennie resulted in Muir securing the equaliser. Lennie crossed right in front of goal, and Muir, lying handy, scored with his head from close range. It was a pretty goal, and fully deserved the great cheer it received. Play was evenly contested for a time, but Aberdeen gradually took the upper hand. The local forwards were ably supported by the halves, whose placing was very accurate. The most outstanding half was Wilson, he kept his wing well supplied with the ball. The visitors forced three corners in succession, but the local defence was sound. Partick were soon busily defending, and Lennie had hard lines in not scoring from a terrific drive. The ball missed the post by a few inches. The best piece of play so far was a fine combined run by the visitors. The whole of the front rank participated in it, but Mutch brought off an excellent save from T. Robertson. Aberdeen brought all pressure to bear on the visiting defence. It held out for a time, but Lennie eventually found the net. McNair, seizing up a pass from Wilson, made off towards Massie. The centre forward was about to be tackled by two opponents when he judiciously passed to Lennie, who, from the position he was in, had no difficulty in beating of Massie. There was no holding in Aberdeen now, and a capital shot by Muir several minutes later deserved a better fate and going past the upright. Macfarlane was somewhat "rocky." He played well at times, but on other occasions he seemed at a loss to know what to do, and Colman had occasionally to go over and gave him assistance. Aberdeen held the upper hand until the close of the period. Partick played desperately to keep them out, and the defence repeatedly played the local forwards offside. The football in the first half could not be said to have been of a high order, although the game was interesting enough at times. Partick were lucky in being only one goal down.

Partick immediately attacked on resuming. Although they were now playing against the wind, the visiting forwards displayed excellent footwork. It was only when Mutch saved from McGregor that Aberdeen had a look in. Stiff pressure was brought to bear on the visitors, but their defence would not give anything away. The Partick backs were excellent in recovery. Aberdeen hammered away, but the visitors packed their goal, and numerous well-directed shots were turned aside by a head or a foot accidentally coming in the way. The siege was raised by O'Hagan being pulled up for offside. After dull play in midfield Aberdeen again attacked, but the defence was unbeatable, and numerous good shots were saved by Massie. Aberdeen would undoubtedly have again scored had it not been for a certain slackness amongst the forwards, who seemed to be indifferent whether they scored or not. An excellent cross by Lennie resulted in Muir sending behind. The free kick resulted in the visitors having a look in, and a promising run by McGregor was promptly stopped by Colman. Macfarlane gave away a corner, but the local defence had no difficulty in clearing. The best goal of the match was scored by Blackburn. The outside right run down half of the field through the defence, and landed the ball in the net. It was a splendid individual effort, the best that has been seen at Pittodrie for some time. Lennie and O'Hagan put in some splendid work, notwithstanding that they were being closely watched. Partick were now kept purely on the defensive, but they defended gamely, and were always eager to get away. Play was very uninteresting now, and it was only the hardest of hard luck that kept the Aberdeen from again scoring. They were far and away superior team. Partick managed to break away occasionally. Their forwards were always keen and eager, and the local defence had to be very watchful, although they had never any difficulty in repelling the attacks. Aberdeen fell away in the last 20 minutes of the game. Lennie scored, but the referee did not allow point on account of the left winger being offside. End-to-end play was the order of the last 20 minutes and in the last minute of the game Partick snatched a goal. Their forwards were game to the last, and just on the call of time T. Robertson scored with a soft shot. Mutch ought to have saved, but he and Macfarlane muddled things between them.

To the sum drawn at the gate was £124, and at the stands £18 - a total of £142. By their win on Saturday, Aberdeen, for the first time in the history of the club, occupying the premiere position on the league table.

Source: Aberdeen Daily Journal, 12th October 1908

Mounting up.

There is a certain amount of pleasure to be derived in attaining top position, even though it may only be for a time. When, the final results were posted on Saturday night, there was quite a feeling of gratification that Aberdeen was placed on the top rung of the ladder in the Scottish League. During the three years Aberdeen have been in this competition they have never got such an exalted position in the table as they have gained this season. We have no doubt the players will make a strenuous effort to remain there, and if they do not ultimately finish top, they will not be far removed from it.

The Better Side won.

Up to the point when Aberdeen scored their second goal the play at Pittodrie rose to a very high level. After that we were treated to play by fits and starts, as the humour suited them. Defending against a strong sun and a fair breeze, Aberdeen were put on their mettle when the inside left picked up a faulty clearance by Muteh and despatched it home three minutes from the start. The goalkeeper could hardly be blamed for the point, the first effort being deceiving, and he was only able to fist it out with the sun blinding him all the time. For the following twenty minutes the forward line worked like "niggers," their outfield work being brilliant and their shooting dead on. Lennie was rampant, and from a fine low cross Muir equalised. The suceeding goal was from the foot of the left winger himself. He tricked the back, and cut right into goal, the ball going past Massie at express speed. Seldom were the Thistle dangerous, being kept well in hand by the halves. Aberdeen had got the upper hand, and kept it till the breathing time came.

On resuming, Mutch had another shot or two to deal with, and Lennie chipped in with a couple of good, drives at Massie. A wide pass from McNair let Blackburn away, and though the half stuck close behind him, he was able to get through, and, slipping the back, scored a beauty. This effort was the best the right winger has yet done, and evoked hearty plaudits all round the enclosure. It was a well-judged shot; and Blackburn deserves every credit for it. Thinking they held a sufficient lead, the home forwards took it easy for a bit, and the halves went in for some useless showy work in the art of dribbling. A gross injustice was done to Lennie when he scored a fourth goal which the referee "docked " for some infringement, presumably offside. Just on time the Thistle left got away, and sending in a cross shot which Mutch thought was going past, it took the edge of the post and counted. One of the Aberdeen defenders ought to have stopped that run, but dallied too long with the ball, till it got wheedled from him. Time was up immediately after this, Aberdeen leaving the field victors by 3-2.

Play and Players.

The score by no means represents the run of the play. Aberdeen were easily the smarter lot, and ought, to have scored more goals had they cared to or put a little more effort into their play in the second half. The two Robortsons filled the eye most, for the Thistle, and McGregor at centre did some clever things. McKenzie and Gray had a hard afternoon's work holding the left wing. Massie kept a fine goal, and knows the force of Lennie's shooting. Mutch ought to have saved the second goal of the Partick's, otherwise what he got to do was done well. Macfarlane was rather timorous, as was to be expected, in his first League game. His punting was a bit flukey, but he excelled in tackling. Coleman was the best back on the field. Low was the best half; we have seen the other two better. The left wing were in a class by themselves, superior in every way to anything we have seen them do. McNair improves every time we see him, and so does the right wing.

Chatty Bits.

Aberdeen enthusiasts are proud of their team just now. It is to be hoped that they will make an effort to keep their position.
They have dropped five points this season, two of which ware practically thrown away at Shawfield.
The play of the team is deserving of success, for they have been wholehearted in all their games.
This was specially so at Falkirk, where they bagged two points that were counted on as lost.
If they keep free from accidents, they should go a long way yet without incurring any loss of position.
They will have a real test of their grit when they meet Dundee on Saturday week.
The result of the Dundee game should sat the seal much in Aberdeen's future performances.
McNair showed some fine touches at centre forward on Saturday, plying the ball well to his wings, while he did not attempt too much on his own.
The third goal, which came from the foot of Blackburn, was a masterpiece of dribbling, and stamped the right winger as a player of more than ordinary ability. This fact some critics have not yet given the player credit for.
Charlie O'Hagan's first article has "caught on" as the Yankees say. His future epistles will be eagerly looked for [Bon-Accorded ran a three-month series of articles by the player about his career from childhood to his current time with the Black and Gold. afcht].
Considerable surprise at the disallowing of Lennie's second goal was expressed amongst the thistle players.
We heard after the match that the referee disallowed the point on the ground that O'Hagan was off-side.
If that was the reason, the whistle should have sounded before Lennie scored, and not after the ball was in the net.
Aberdeen have joined the new organisation to play for the Robertson Cup. We suppose this will be their last season in the Eastern Cup competition. Falkirk, Airdrie, Dundee, and Aberdeen will form the new League.
The High Cup will still be competed for between Dundee and Aberdeen as the only participators.
Frank Findlay, who left for Australia last week, was once a very fine goalkeeper, and guarded the uprights for the " Vics" in the late '90's. Latterly Frank came to the front as a cricketer, being one of the mainstays of the Crescent; and for the last two seasons he was coach to the University C.C.
A deputation from the Aberdeenshire and District F.C. waited on Mr Alfred J. Findlay on Monday night, and presented him with a handsome gold badge from the members as a parting gift.
Alf. left for Assam on Tuesday, and, we are sure, carries with him the best wishes of footballers, both juniors and seniors, for his success.
Tom Drain is to assist Vale of Leven this season. Aberdeen did not re-engage the ex-Maryhill lad this season, and put him on the transfer list.

Source: Bon-Accord, 15th November 1908

Partick Thistle Teamsheet
Massie; McKenzie, Gray; Gibson, Lyle, Low; Ballantyne, Callender, McGregor, F. Robertson, T. Robertson
Attendance: 5,500
Venue: Pittodrie Stadium, Aberdeen
Referee: Mr. G. H. Hamilton, Motherwell