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Aberdeen 2 - 0 Airdrie

HT Score: Aberdeen 1 - 0 Airdrie

Div 1 (Old)
Aberdeen scorers: Lennie, McIntosh.

12/09/1908 | KO:

At Aberdeen, before 6000 spectators. Aberdeen held the whip hand during most of the game, and but for fine defensive work by Rombach, McLeay, and Duncan goals would have been plentiful. Lennie scored in the first half and McIntosh in the second. The Airdrieonians were granted a penalty, but failed to convert. Result :- Aberdeen, two goals; Airdrieonians, nothing.

Source: The Scotsman, 14th September 1908

The Aberdeen had again the advantage of playing on their own ground on Saturday, the visitors being the Airdrieonians, who had never been beaten at Pittodrie. Aberdeen were not at full strength - that is, they had not out what is regarded as their first team - Halkett, the captain, not having recovered the full use of the knee twisted in the match with the Rangers on the previous Saturday; while Blackburn was given a day off. As the result proved, the absence of these players did not waken the team - Wilson and Simpson proving most capable substitutes. O'Hagan, who was absent last week, and Muir, who had been off on the injured list for some weeks, made a welcome reappearance. The conditions are suitable for a fast game, the only disturbing factors being a westerly breeze and bright sunshine. The teams were:-

Aberdeen: Mutch; Colman, Hume; Wilson, McIntosh, W Low; Simpson, Muir, Mcnair, O'Hagan, Lennie.
Airdrieonians: Duncan; McLeay, Rombach; McConnell, McGran, Findlay; Farrell, Thompson, Hunter, Donaldson, Young.

Colman, the acting captain for Aberdeen, lost the toss, and Airdrie, electing to play to wards the sea, had the advantage of the wind and sun. The game started briskly, and, their progress in aided by a three kick for a foul against Wilson, the Aberdeen forwards work their way westward, Lennie being deprived of the ball close-in. A smart run by Thompson and Farrell transferred play to the other end, where Hume checked the Airdrie move by bringing down Farrell. Early in the game O'Hagan and Lennie caught the eye, and a fine cross from the latter was lost owing to Simpson failing to get up in time to have a shot for goal. Airdrie next attacked, Hume and Mutch between them getting the ball away; only for a time, though, for Low, failing to reach a pass with his head, Hume, in trying to clear, gave away a corner. Following a corner kick, Low banged the ball into midfield. Back came the Airdrie men, the wind helping them greatly, and some exciting play ensued in front of the Aberdeen goal, relief coming when Findlay, essaying a long shot, sent wide. The keen counterattack by Aberdeen, initiated by O'Hagan, finished with a weak shot by Muir. No player on the field work so hard as O'Hagan, who opened out the Aberdeen forward play in masterly style. At this stage Aberdeen were playing cleverly, and had the measure of their opponents, Simpson and Muir, if less brainy than the opposite wing, showing plenty of dash and vigour. A foul against Low let Airdrie in, Colman's header giving relief. The first shot of the match - and it was a stinger - came from Lennie, who ran past the opposition and drove hard for goal, Duncan effecting a smart save. So far, Wilson was a surprise of the Aberdeen team, his tackling and placing being superb, and certainly unsurpassed by any half-back on the field. The "hardy loon," whose energetic methods but apparently resented, was fouled twice in quick succession, Donaldson getting from the referee a mild hint not to repeat. In a spell of brisk attacking by Aberdeen, some stout defence of play by McLeay and Rombach, particularly the latter, was witnessed, and at the other end Colman, who had a hot handful in young and Donaldson, was equally prominent. A miskick by Hume looked dangerous for Aberdeen, Mutch covering up, but having difficulty in clearing owing to being resolutely tackled by two opponents, the goalkeeper having to concede a corner. A period of pressure by Airdrie, successfully repelled by the Aberdeen defenders, was followed by a hot attack on, and a narrow escape from downfall of, Airdrie goal. Wilson, by forcing play, got well in, and he passed out to Simpson, who sent in a drooping shot, which Duncan managed to fist away. A minute later, as the culmination of a smart, passing run by O'Hagan and Lennie, Muir fixed on the ball and sent in a fast drive, which Duncan cleverly fisted out to the touch line. Clever touches at the other end by Thompson and Farrell caused the Aberdeen defence some anxiety, Low being made to look like a tyro as he plunged and floundered between the two active and elusive Airdrie right-wingers. McNair, who up to this time had been some what ineffective a centre-forward for Aberdeen, now began to show some clever touches and not a little dash, and Duncan, were clearing from O'Hagan and Lennie, did not relish his rush. Hunter, the Airdrie centre, did not get much free movement from McIntosh, who has a nasty and not-easily-detected practice of using his elbows up or hands behind. Airdrie, after repeated attempts, at last got down with one of their characteristic, dangerous-looking rushes, the result being that Mutch quite unnecessarily conceded a corner when the ball was going past. In the scrimmage which followed the corner-kick, Mutch made a spirited clearance, springing into a crowd of players and fisting the ball away. Taking too long to shoot, Muir was robbed by McLeay, and then O'Hagan tried a fast daisy-cutter, which Duncan saved. Aberdeen maintained an almost continuous pressure, several good shots coming from the half-backs, notably a wide one from Wilson, and a terrific drive by Wilfred Low, which Duncan held on the line. Airdrie then attacked, Hume giving away a corner, which Wilfred Low, by miskicking close-in, almost let his side down. Twice, owing to Airdrie pressing their attack too closely, McNair got away with the ball and a one year field between him and Duncan, but on both occasions he was out-manoeuvred by Rombach, the Aberdeen centre being too small for such single-handed efforts. Aberdeen had worked hard for goal, again and again, although against the wind, outplaying Airdrie, but it was near the interval before they had their reward. McNair, getting the ball 30 yards out, sent a long pass well ahead to the left, and Lennie, running up, found himself unmarked. The outside left steadied himself, and flashed the ball into the net, Duncan having no chance, so fast was the shot and as such close-range was it taken. The cheers which followed Aberdeen's well-deserved success was scarcely died down when the interval arrived.

Airdrie started the second half of the game in promising style, but their effort came to naught, Donaldson shooting wildly over the bar. Then Aberdeen attacked. Muir slipped a 'cute pass to Simpson, the outside right just failing to reach the ball properly, and resting it over the line a few inches outside the upright. Clever forward played by Aberdeen kept the Airdrie men on the defensive, and they were sore troubled by O'Hagan, who was positively scintillating with brilliance, his deceptive movements drawing the defenders on to him, while all the time he was making openings for his front rank colleagues. Twice he slipped the ball to Muir, who was unmarked, only to have the chagrin of seeing the ball lifted over the bar. Hard pressed, Rombach gave away a corner, and Duncan made a faulty clearance, fisting twice before he got the ball away. Struggle as they might, Airdrie could not shake off the eager, active attack of the ground team, and Duncan had again to exert himself to save a rocket shot from Simpson. Then followed the finest piece of combined forward play of the game, taken part in by the whole Airdrie front rank. Farrell initiated the movement, which was from wing to wing, the ball returning to Farrell, who outwitted Hume, and crossed to Young, the outside left sending in a lightning shot which Mutch was lucky in stopping, the goalkeeper knocking the ball up to the crossbar, and fisting it out from the downward rebound. Aberdeen repaid the compliment in brisk style, O'Hagan and Lennie worked the ball down the field, and the latter crossed beautifully. Simpson, dashing in, got the cross, and at point blank range, banged the ball into goal. Duncan rushed to the post and stop the shot, getting the ball full in the pace, and being momentarily stunned by the terrific force of the drive. It was a lucky save of a shot fully worthy of a goal. More fine forward play by the Airdrie was witnessed, but there was the usual weakness at close quarters. From a well-judged pass by Muir, Simpson shot over. A miskick by Hume was covered up by Mutch, who ran out and cleared. At the other end Lennie was sandwiched by two Airdrie players and laid out inside the penalty line, and although the little winger was palpably fouled, the referee he did not the angry shouts of "Penalty!" which came from all sides. Lennie soon recovered. Airdrie pressed severely for a time, but the Aberdeen backs were surer and steady, and Mutch could always be relied on. A dangerous cross by Farrell was smartly trapped by Young, who shot with great force, Mutch saving splendidly on the post. At the other end, following on a cross from Lennie, Simpson worked back into position and sent in a shot which, but for being a trifle wide, had Duncan beaten. In a hot attack on the Aberdeen goal, Mutch saved at the critical moment, but Hume had fouled, and a penalty kick was given. Rombach drove with terrific force, but Mutch brought off a magnificent save, for which he was cheered again and again. As the game, which was keenly contested, and full of incident, preceded, a good deal of temper was shown by the players, and fouls were frequent. Duncan saved from Lennie, and Muir, well placed, again lifted the ball too high. Still the shots were rained in on the Airdrie goal, Duncan fisting out a hot one by Simpson. O'Hagan and Duncan came to loggerheads, and some feints of sparring caused the referee to intervene as peacemaker. Duncan continued to be the hero of the game, his stopping low down on the very post the a raking drive from Wilson being nothing short of marvellous. Colman and Simpson shot over Airdrie goal, and the Aberdeen attack being repulsed, the visitors' right wing burst away, Mutch having to kick out. Aberdeen, after repeated tries, scored again, the goal being got in rather a peculiar way. To McNair got through, and, in order to clear his goal, Duncan ran out and sent the ball away. McIntosh, rushing down the field, pounced on the ball, and banged it goalwards. Duncan had not got back to his goal, and his place was taken by Rombach, who tried to head out McIntosh's shot, and missed it, the ball landing in the net to the delight of the crowd who cheered and cheered again. In the closing stages Airdrie forced a corner, Wilfred Low heading out from the kick, and then McNair, O'Hagan, and Lennie gave a brilliant display of close passing, the finish of the run being another splendid save by Duncan from Simpson. Airdrie were outplayed, and could make no headway after this.

The drawings amounted to £150 0s 8d.

Source: Aberdeen Daily Journal, 14th September 1908

A Marked Advance.

As an exhibition of football Aberdeen on Saturday treated their supporters to what might fitly be termed an extra dose of the scientific part of the "soccer" code. If they erred in any way it was in slightly overdoing the scientific side of the game. By adopting this system, however, they gave their opponents no end of trouble, who would have been more at home meeting stalwarts who could shoulder each other and keep the ball lofty.

Donald Coleman lost the toss and his men were set to play against wind and sun, and it was not a very easy matter to gauge the strength and peculiar curl which the breeze had on Saturday. Once set agoing Aberdeen gave of their best. The fleetness of the forwards and the smart passing from the whole quintette instilled confidence in the defence, so that all worked with one aim to score a win. There were quite a number of humorous incidents in the first period, due to the peculiar ways in Which either man or ball was stopped in transit. It was only a question of time for Aberdeen getting what they were working for, the score coming from the foot of Lennie, though McNair was the chief participator in the move which led to the score. Airdrie put in some good work after this, but were met with a defence which was impregnable. Half-time came with the score unaltered, the home players resuming with some spirit which gave confidence that more was to come. They had to beat down a stone wall defence in Duncan, Rombach, and McLeay, whose clearing was very fine, with some luck thrown in. Airdrie took a bit of barred for a time ; one shot from Young being cleverly stopped by Mutch when it appeared to be going home all the way.
The pressure, though hard for a space, was worn off by the home defence, but a more flagrant use of the penalty rule was never witnessed when the full award was made against Coleman who got entangled with Hunter and both came down inside the penalty line. Even if it were a case of giving a penalty, it was a moot point who was really to blame. However, nothing came of it, for Mutch, who had been distinguishing himself, brought off another daring save. Simpson had a grand drive which took Duncan all his time to clear, Muir sending over the rebound. Lennie and then O'Hagan all but scored, and then a partial clearance by Duncan sent the ball to Macintosh, who drove 'straight and true with nobody in goal but Rombach to clear. Two goals up settled the game, and Aberdeen were awarded the points for the first time at home against Airdrieonians.

Play and Players.

We have little to add to our opinion, already expressed, as to the play, which showed a marked improvement on anything we have seen this season at Pittodrie. Of the players Mutch established himself as a very capable custodian, dealing with all kinds of shots in a masterful way. Coleman and Hume were excellent as backs, the latter being the stronger of the two. At half Wilson was untiring in his work, but was inclined to keep the ball too long at his toe. Macintosh and Low were also in fine form. The left wing put in a power of work, and got through the ordeal of meeting a strong defence very cleverly. McNair was a success, and though the right wing were not so prominent as the others their work was telling.
Duncan, Rombach, and McLeay are in a class by themselves as defenders, and had it not been for them their side would have suffered severely. The halves were fairly good. Hunter was a trier,all the time, but was well watched, while Young was the best of the others.

Chatty Bits.

Aberdeen were such a vastly improved team on Saturday that there was hardly any comparison in their play with that shown against Rangers.
The "wasps" created a new record by defeating the 'Onians for the first time at Pittodrie.
In our opinion the 'Onians will have a big say in the League competition this season. They have a finely balanced team.
Hunter was well held by Macintosh, and if this had not been the case, the centre would have done some damage. He is a flier, but inclined to get off-side.
When will we get referees thoroughly proficient in the off-side law? Saturday's official made one or two glaring mistakes.
The players were inclined to get out of hand a bit, due to laxity over trivial trips which a referee ought to put down firmly at the start.
O'Hagan as a rule is one of the best of tempered chaps, and though he got provocation we were disappointed when he retaliated.
The goalkeeping has been the subject of plenty of discussion and varied opinions, but we do not think there was anything to find fault with in the display of Mutch on Saturday.
Aberdeen A were at Peterhead on Saturday and won a hard game by 1-0.
If they can now keep this up, they will yet make points.
A new field is to be broken in on when they meet Rangers A on Saturday at Pittodrie.
Dundee dropped a point to Falkirk on Dens Park, and were much below the form they displayed a fortnight ago against Celtic.
Henry Low is keeping his place at left half, [with Sunderland] and was an outstanding player on Saturday.
Brebner, who has been with Aberdeen since the amalgamation, has thrown in his lot with St Bernards, Edinburgh.
The Saints have a fondness for Aberdeen lads, who have been the mainstay of their team during the past few seasons.
If there are any more draws in the Glasgow Cup competition the League clubs will be up in arms.
The fixtures have been upset this week, and any more re-arrangements is sure to cause friction.
The threatened revolt amongst the English League clubs is simmering down to a more peaceful like attitude towards the F.A. The latter body, is too strong to fight, and can afford to look on with equanimity to the efforts being made to cause a strife.
Many will regret to hear that the great and only " J. H." M?Laughlin, the Celtic chairman, and ex-president of the S. F. A., has had to give up his legislative duties at Carlton Place on account of ill health.
There is to be a keen fight for the vacancy caused by "J. H. retiring amongst the clubs in the district he represented.

Source: Bon-Accord, 17th September 1908

Aberdeen Teamsheet
Mutch, Colman, Hume, Wilson, McIntosh, Low, Simpson, Muir, McNair, O'Hagan, Lennie.
Airdrie Teamsheet
Duncan; McLeay, Rombach; McConnell, McGran, Findlay; Farrell, Thompson, Hunter, Donaldson, Young
Attendance: 8,000
Venue: Pittodrie Stadium, Aberdeen