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Motherwell 1 - 1 Aberdeen

Div 1 (Old)
Motherwell scorers: Ferrier
Aberdeen scorers: Jackson.

24/10/1925 | KO:


Aberdeen's visit to Motherwell provided a surprise result, and, but for the good goalkeeping of McClory, Aberdeen would have taken home a couple of points instead of having to be content with one. From the start, it was apparent that the home team's immunity from a defeat on their own ground was in danger, and while the Motherwell men were the first to score by Ferrier, only a minute sufficed for Jackson to equalise the scores for Aberdeen. That was after a quarter of an hour's play, and the remainder of the game was goalless. Aberdeen were the best visiting side seen at Motherwell this season, and they were the first to take away a point. Aberdeen's latest comer to the side, McLeod, St Anthony's, at inside-left was the means of adding strength to the front line. Hutton, the international back, played at the top of his form, and the Aberdeen defence was sound and reliable all over.

Source: The Scotsman, 26th October, 1925

Right worthily did Aberdeen earn the point that came their way when they divided two goals with Motherwell at Fir Park on Saturday. Until Aberdeen's visit, Motherwell had dropped neither a goal nor a point home, so that it was a capital performance on the part of the Pittodrie team to finish level. It was the best contested game seen at Motherwell this season, and on the run of the play Aberdeen were a shade unlucky in not taking both points. Throughout it was a case of first one side and then the other being in the ascendancy, but the Motherwell goal was more often in danger, and in the last fifteen minutes Aberdeen kept up a persistent attack, which was worthy of a better reward. In that period McClory, the Motherwell goalkeeper, effected several brilliant saves, and nothing could have been better than his deflecting at full length the great shot by Smith, which looked to be unsaveable. The game teemed with thrills, especially in the second half, and the players fought out the issue with a keenness and vigour that were refreshing.


An unusual incident occurred in the second period. During a hot attack by the home team, several the Motherwell players appealed for a penalty for "hands" against MacLachlan. The referee turned down their appeal, whereupon some half a dozen home players surged round him, several actually taking hold of him and evidently trying to coerce him into giving a decision in their favour. Meanwhile play continued in another part of the field, and the referee, held up by the protesting players, and prevented by them from following the play, had to blow his whistle to have the game stopped. It was only after threatening to adopt extreme measures that the official tore free and was able to resume the game by dropping the ball. incident occurred shortly after the interval, and had the effect of making the two teams more determined than ever, and with the spectators very excited, the period was one of the most thrilling ever seen at the ground.


Aberdeen were well served in all departments. Blackwell had much less to do than McClory but got through his work equally as well as the Motherwell goalkeeper, who was brilliant, and saved his team, from certain defeat. Aberdeen had the pull at back, where Hutton played a magnificent same, and Bruce was not far behind him. Little and Frame were unsteady at the start, but later they settled down, snd both comported themselves with credit. There was not a great deal between the two sets of halfbacks. MacLachlan on the one side, and Craig on the other, being the pick of two very serviceable lines. Aberdeen's was the more dangerous set of forwards. McDermid was the best on view, and McLeod, who was at inside left for Aberdeen, made a very impressive debut. Jackson presented a continual threat to the home defence, and Smith's accurate shooting was a feature of the game. Reid executed very fine dribbles, but a tendency to try too much detracted from his effectiveness. The Motherwell attack, although not so dangerous as Aberdeen's was a smooth working and very speedy combination, and it reflected the excellence of the Aberdeen defence that Blackwell got little do.


After a quiet opening, the teams soon got to grips, and the game was full of incident. McClory fielded a long return by Hutton, and from the clearance, Ferrier got away to send ball across an open goal, but Tennant sent wide from close in. Forcing work by the Aberdeen right quickly had the ball at the other end, and there was a scrimmage before McClory averted disaster to his charge. After Reid had centred McLeod had a shot deflected wide by a defender. Reid continued to raid the home lines, and on one occasion McClory had to save from him from near the touchline. The Aberdeen inside trio continued to worry the Motherwell defenders, and on one occasion when Jackson had taken the ball from Frame, Reid lost a capital chance of opening the scoring by shooting over. From a breakaway by Ferguson Motherwell unexpectedly took the lead. The home centre forward worked out to the right, and when obliged to part screwed the ball along in front goal, and Ferrier on the run had no difficulty in netting. Aberdeen immediately equalised. McDermid and Reid progressed, and Reid sent in a fierce shot, which McClory knocked down, and before the goalkeeper could recover possession Jackson dashed in and crashed the ball into the net. After this success Aberdeen looked like taking the lead, McClory having to save in quick succession from Smith, McLeod, and Jackson, and MacLachlan worked the ball forward to shoot narrowly over. A raid by Ferrier was repelled by Hutton, and after clever leading up play by Jackson, McClory saved a terrific shot by Smith. At the other end Blackwell had to pick up a ground pass by Stevenson, with Ferguson running in upon him. Smith again brought McClory into action with another drive, and the keeper had some trouble in getting the ball away while harassed by Jackson and McDermid. A Motherwell rally followed, and from a shot by Stevenson the ball struck the Aberdeen crossbar and bounded out of play. The home left developed danger, and shots by Ferguson and McFadyen were twice blocked by Aberdeen defenders. Subsequently play was equal until the interval, but Aberdeen had been the superior team in the period.


When play resumed, Reid ran through to shoot hard, but McClory saved low down at the post, and at the other end the raid by Ferguson was only thwarted by Blackwell running out and picking the ball practically from his toes. Attack and counter-attack followed. Blackwell saved from Ferrier, who shot hard from long range, and did well to hold an unexpected drive from McDermid. Following this McFadyen tried a surprise shot, which found Blackwell ready, and Hutton got in the way of what might have been a counting shot by Ferguson. At this stage Motherwell rallied, and the Aberdeen defence survived an exciting time. Blackwell fisted away from Tennant and there were several desperate scrimmages in front of the Aberdeen goal. Ultimately Smith relieved the situation, and his centre was headed just wide of McClory's charge by McDermid. A fast ground shot by MacLachlan was stopped at the foot of the upright by McClory and at the other end a cross by Tennant was fisted away by Blackwell. In another Airdrie [sic. MOTHERWELL] attack the penalty claim already referred to was made, and subsequently the game developed at a tremendous pace. In a desperate scrimmage in front of the Aberdeen goal Bruce, in an effort to clear, knocked the ball against an upright, but it rebounded into play, and ultimately Hutton cleared. This incident, which occurred about ten minutes from the end, 'marked the last time in the game in which the Aberdeen goal was in danger. Jackson relieved with a long sprint, and he lobbed the ball across the Motherwell goal for Smith to shoot against the post. McDermid met the rebound and fired in a great shot, but McClory was equal to the occasion and saved brilliantly. Aberdeen would not be shaken off, and Smith got through to shoot with great force for McClory's left hand net, but the goalkeeper, at full length, brought off a sensational save. Bruce intercepted Ferguson at the other end, and then Jackson beat Craig and Frame, only to see the ball hit the upright from his shot with McClory beaten. Near the close the Motherwell goalkeeper effected another fine save, on this occasion from McDermid. Aberdeen finished very strongly.

Source: Press & Journal, 26th October 1925

Motherwell Teamsheet
McClory; Little, Frame; Johnman, Craig, Thackeray; Tennant, McFadyen, Ferguson, Stevenson, Ferrier
Attendance: 9,000
Venue: Fir Park, Motherwell
Referee: T. Small, Dundee