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Aberdeen 0 - 0 Hibernian

HT Score: Aberdeen 0 - 0 Hibernian

Scottish Cup Semi Final

22/03/1924 | KO: 15:30


No Decision at Dundee

The Hibernians and Aberdeen failed to reach a decision in their semi-final tie at Dens Park, and as a consequence will have to meet again on the same ground next Wednesday. The attendance was, on the whole, disappointing, not quite 20,000 being present, the "gate," exclusive of tax, amounting to £636. It was a fast and interesting game, with the Edinburgh side playing the better football, but having fewer attempts at scoring than their opponents. To the penalty line the Hibernians were good, but they found it a difficult matter to get the better of a strong Aberdeen defence, in which Jackson was a tower of strength, and Forsyth a steady back. The latter gave Ritchie little rope, and most of the Edinburgh attacks came from the left wing, where Halligan did clever things, and Walker on the day?s play had Hutton often beaten, only to see the back cover finely. If there was a weakness in the Hibernian side, it was at centre forward, where McColl's lack of speed and inches was a handicap. Especially in the second half many likely openings came the way of the Edinburgh centre forward, whose chief fault was a lack of aggressiveness. He did not appear to have confidence in his recently injured ankle. Miller started shakily, but improved, and of the half-backs Shaw was the most consistent. Both backs played soundly, with McGinnigle the best of the four engaged. Harper had far more to do than Blackwell, but was in the best form. Early in the game he had a difficult shot from McLachlan to save, and in the second half he brought off a particularly clever clearance of what seemed a counting shot by Grant. The Aberdeen side had not the same balance as the Hibernians, and of their forwards only Rankine and Smith gave trouble in the open if the best shots came from the other wing. Smith was not far short of being the most dangerous forward playing, and in the first half especially gave a lot of trouble and sent over accurate and well-timed centres. With the defence on each side the best part a no-scoring draw was a fairly good indication of the play.

Source: The Scotsman, 24th March 1924

Twenty thousand spectators at Dens Park, Dundee, witnessed a thrilling struggle between Aberdeen and Hibernian in the semi-final of the Scottish Cup competition. The result was a goalless draw, and the teams will meet again at the same venue on Wednesday afternoon. Heavy rain during the forenoon rendered the pitch sodden, and a heavy drizzle which prevailed during the opening stages of the game added lo the discomfiture of players and spectators. It was a gruelling contest throughout. Hibernian accounted for the greater share of attacking, but Aberdeen were equally dangerous, and a feature of the contest was the brilliant work of both defences. Forsyth, Jackson, and MacLachlan were brilliant defenders for Aberdeen, and Smith and Grant were best of a forward line that met its masters in the Hibernian defenders. For the Edinburgh team, McGinnigle, Dornan, and Shaw were outstanding defenders, and the pick of the forwards were Ritchie, Walker, and Dunn.


Aberdeen kicked off. They were the first to make headway, and a pass forward by Rankin was missed by Miller and Paton, but Grant got possession, to shoot narrowly over. Hibernian replied with a dash on the right, and Hutton cleared just as McCall and Halligan rushed in. The Aberdeen left retaliated, and after a centre by Smith had been blocked by a Hibernian defender, MacLachlan caused Harper to fist away an awkward high ball. Aberdeen maintained the pressure at this stage, and Davidson shot wide from fairly long range. Play was quickly transferred to the other end, and forcing work by Ritchie called first Forsyth and then Hutton into action, when McColl looked like improving upon the winger's crosses. A terrific pace was maintained, the ball travelling quickly from end to end. Grant sent behind for Aberdeen, and later just missed Harper's charge with a terrific shot from near the touch-line after a brilliant run and centre by Smith. Off a cross by Walker, Halligan tested Blackwell with a ground shot. Aberdeen at this stage were having the better of the argument. Smith earned plaudits with a brilliant piece of play, in which he neatly tricked two opponents and lobbed over a picture centre for Paton to head into the waiting hands of Harper. After this escape the Hibernian right again came into prominence, and in a scrimmage in front of Blackwell, Hutton cleared with difficulty. Raids and counterraids were the order, with the half-backs on both sides excelling in breaking-up tactics. Dunn, the Hibernian inside right, was a big source of danger to the Aberdeen defence, and from twenty yards range he tested Blackwell with a hard drive. For a time the Edinburgh side had the best of matters, but Dunn nullified clever work by Halligan and Walker by shooting wide. Smith was a dangerous raider for Aberdeen. He flashed past two opponents to centre, and Harper had to leave his goal to intercept before Miller could catch up. Aberdeen would not be denied at this stage. Smith caused Harper to fist away a high ball, and following this the Edinburgh goalkeeper had to clear from McLachlan.


From nearly forty yards range, Hutton was called up to take a free kick for Aberdeen. He delivered a terrific shot, and Harper, at full length, was just able to get the tips of his fingers on the ball to push it round the post. A scrimmage followed the flag kick in front the Hibernian goal, and Aberdeen claimed a penalty kick for "hands" against Dornan. This was disallowed, however, and after the danger had been cleared the Hibernian attack again got going, and Walker shot over from long range. Halligan exhibited cleverness on the Edinburgh left, and, after he had outwitted Hutton, sent over a high ball. Blackwell, in attempting to fist clear, collided with McColl, and the Aberdeen goalkeeper was stunned, but recovered after receiving trainer's attention. A foul kick awarded Hibernian on the right of the Aberdeen penalty area led to Blackwell's goal again being endangered. but Hutton ultimately cleared after several shots had been either blocked or charged down. In the period a terrific pace had been maintained. Aberdeen, if anything, had been the more dangerous side, but a draw did justice to both teams.


There was no slackening off in the pace in the second half. At the outset both teams had attacks by the respective trios of inside forwards repelled. Grant caused Dornan to concede a corner, and following this Harper had to save from Davidson. McColl followed with a burst through the Aberdeen defence, but just when it appeared he might score he was very cleverly dispossessed by Forsyth, who was in brilliant form for Aberdeen. The ball travelled quickly from end to end, and Harper had to clear a fast ground shot by Miller. The Hibernian left wing was persistent, and clever play by Halligan and Walker resulted in Halligan sending narrowly past. The Edinburgh forwards continued to be elusive and fast, and once Blackwell, out of his goal, failed to gather a centre from Walker, but Forsyth, who was at hand, cleared in the nick time. A flag kick by Ritchie for the Hibs was placed behind. Jackson put a stop to a period of Hibernian pressure, and Rankin and Paton had a combined attacking move, but Rankin was too precipitate with his shot and sent over. The teams maintained terrific pace. Ritchie for the Hibs, forced another corner, but Aberdeen packed their goal, and ultimately Hutton got in a decisive clearance. Miller set Aberdeen on the attack, and forced a flag kick. The ball was nicely placed by Smith, and Rankin headed only inches wide with Harper powerless to save. Harassed by Walker, Hutton conceded a corner, from which he headed clear, and at the other end Harper rushed out and kicked clear from Rankin. Aberdeen, were again forced back on the defensive, and following another corner Halligan shot over.


At the other end Grant delivered a terrific shot which Harper saved in wonderful fashion. Walker was a persistent raider for Hibernian, and several times raced past Hutton to put the Aberdeen goal in danger, but Forsyth, Jackson, and MacLachlan were brilliant defenders. A run by Smith gave Aberdeen relief, but his centre was headed away by centre-half Miller, and Grant followed with a grand shot which was only inches wide of Harper's goal. In the closing minutes the Hibernian brought terrific pressure to bear on the Aberdeen defence. A flag kick by Ritchie was cleared with difficulty, and after Shaw had shot over Blackwell effected a brilliant save off a great shot by Dunn. A free kick just outside the penalty area had the Aberdeen goal in danger, but the defence prevailed, and time arrived with Aberdeen pressing home the attack on Harper's charge, a thrilling contest resulting in a goalless draw.

Source: Press & Journal, 24th March 1924

It was reported that a record travelling support would go from Aberdeen to Dundee, so two special trains were laid on to help get them there.
Hibernian Teamsheet
Harper; McGinnigle, Doran; Kerr, Miller, Shaw; Ritchie, Dunn, McColl, Halligan, Walker
Attendance: 20,000
Venue: Dens Park, Dundee
Referee: W. Bell, Hamilton