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Aberdeen 0 - 0 Falkirk

HT Score: Aberdeen 0 - 0 Falkirk

Div 1 (Old)

15/12/1923 | KO: 14:15


A goalless draw between Aberdeen and Falkirk was played at Pittodrie Park. Puddlefoot, Falkirk's centre forward, made a capital first appearance at Pittodrie, but was well opposed by Jackson, Aberdeen's centre-half. Glancy was Falkirk's most versatile forward on the left wing, Townsley was the best half-back on the field, and Stewart, who took Scott's place at right back, proved a brilliant defender. Forsyth and Hutton and Jackson were the Pittodrie team's mainstay in defence, while in attack Rankine, Moir, and Grant were outstanding. Twelve thousand spectators were present.

Source: The Scotsman, 17th December 1923

After four successive victories at home, Aberdeen disappointed their supporters by dropping a point in a goal-less draw with Falkirk at Pittodrie. Although the ground was hard, and the weather cold, the conditions were not unfavourable, and it was surprising that the attendance did not exceed 11,000. On the run of the game Aberdeen ought to have won, but the inability of the forwards to accept palpable chances was the cause of their having to be content with a draw. Both defences emerged from the game with credit, and while Aberdeen had the better moving attack the forwards signally failed to do themselves justice as finishers, Grant alone showing anything approaching deadly marksmanship. Blackwell in the home goal was not seriously tested, so well was he guarded by Hutton and Forsyth, the latter especially showing great skill in defence. All three home half-backs acquitted themselves well, and in the attack Grant, and Rankine were best, the others nullifying their work by ineffectiveness near goal. Ferguson in the Falkirk goal had several splendid saves, and his work along with the dour defence put up by Stewart, James Hunter, and Townsley were the chief contributory factors to the partial success of their side. Despite his being well shadowed by Jackson, Puddefoot was the visitor's' best forward, even although in the first half he missed one of the best scoring chances of the game. Of the other Falkirk forwards, John Hunter and Glancy were best.


The Falkirk forwards were the first to threaten danger, Glancy shooting behind after a combined run in conjunction with John Hunter. The Aberdeen right retaliated, but James Hunter relieved, and clever feinting by Puddefoot kept the Aberdeen defenders busy. The Englishman gave Patton a chance, but Hutton jumped In and cleared as that player was about to shoot. A high shot by Miller called Ferguson into action, but some time elapsed before either goalkeeper was tested again. Hutton and Forsyth In succession were applauded for fine clearances when harassed. Miller got away to deliver a powerful shot on the run, but the ball went high of Ferguson's goal. Aberdeen sustained the attack after this, and following a flag-kick, taken by Smith, Rankin came near to scoring, Ferguson knocking the ball off the forward's head against the crossbar, and Grant drove wide from the rebound to record the first miss of the game. Another flag kick quickly followed to Aberdeen, and Miller had a badly-directed shot from right of the goal, Stewart clearing with difficulty. The home team kept up the attack, and Ferguson had to field a high ball from Grant. Indulgence in offside tactics enabled the Falkirk defence to get relief, and off a shot by Glancy the Aberdeen goal had a narrow escape. Blackwell scooped the ball out, but struck Forsyth, and the goalkeeper was fortunate be in position to regain possession. At the other end, a shot by Miller was caught on the post by Ferguson. Then followed a palpable double miss by Puddefoot at the home end. After a defender had missed a centre from Glancy, Puddefoot found himself with only Blackwell in front. He shot hard, but the ball struck the goalkeeper's foot, and although It rebounded back to Puddefoot, that player sent it weakly behind. Following this, Aberdeen forced another corner, and Ferguson cleared finely off Rankin's head. Until the interval Aberdeen pressed, but other two futile flag kicks were their only reward.


Aberdeen were early attacking the second half, and twice when in good position Miller failed to gather from Rankin, and before he could get possession Townsley had cleared. Clever in midfield the home forwards maintained pressure, and Rankin lost another chance when he failed to improve upon a cute forward pass from Miller. Raids by Falkirk resulted in Blackwell having to save from Townsley and John Hunter, the latter's shot being a notable effort. Miller for Aberdeen forced another corner, but this was cleared, and then Puddefoot had a characteristic dash which was only stopped by the combined efforts of Hutton and Forsyth. On another occasion, Glancy worked into favourable position, and was only dispossessed by Jackson when about to shoot. Good combination by the Aberdeen forwards enabled them to return to the attack, and Miller gave Grant possession. The latter shot with great force, but Ferguson at full length brought off a remarkable save, and just got the ball away before MacLachlan rushed into the net. In saving, Ferguson evidently collided with the upright and was injured, but quickly recovered. Yet another corner fell to Aberdeen, but Townsley cleared. The home attack, however, would not be denied, and while two flag kicks fell to their lot, there were several exciting Incidents in front of Ferguson's charge. Following a centre from Smith, Davidson shot narrowly over, and Grant had one terrific shot which flashed only Inches wide of the Falkirk goal. In a rally by the visiting forwards Blackwell fisted away weakly from Patton. In the last minute of the game Miller lost a great chance to give Aberdeen the lead, when at close range he met a rebound to send the ball against the goalkeeper.

Source: Press & Journal, 17th December 1923

Falkirk Teamsheet
Ferguson; Stewart, James Hunter; Campbell, Townsley, Dougal; Moore, Patton, Puddefoot John Hunter, Glancy
Attendance: 11,000
Venue: Pittodrie Stadium, Aberdeen
Referee: J. P. Rowe, Glasgow